In need of a new look and new database-style functionality for their website, StoryBook Homes of Las Vegas trusted Demi & Cooper and DC Interactive Group to meet their needs. Launched October 12, 2020, the site was built in WordPress using a customized theme that allows the client to add or update community information and home information quickly and easily. Because the homes are in a database, any updates to a home will appear across all page of the site. Even better, the website is built in the most recent CMS, allowing the client to make virtually any revisions they want without having to have any knowledge of html, javascript or whatnot. They can even add videos or embed iFrames simply by dragging the component into a section and adding the supplied code. Last, the main rotating images are programmed in Slider Revolution, which is an easy-to-edit module chock full of features that even beginners can handle. Take a look at